If you have a question, don't be shy... ASK! You have a real, live teacher who works exclusively with online students. Even if your teacher does not see you face-to-face, you are the main priority.
You can reach your teacher in several ways:
- Email - send an email any time of the day and your teacher will respond within 24 hours (during the week)
- Chat or video-conference with your teacher from your computer
- Check your school email every day.
- Read messages from your teacher thoroughly and respond promptly.
- When sending an email, put a phrase in the subject line that is specific, for example: "English 8 Research Paper Question"
- Keep PVLearners open when you are doing course work. If your teacher is online, you can easily send a chat if you have a question or need help.
- Be specific in your questions. Tell your teacher specific information about the problem--unit and section numbers and title of the assignment, if possible. State clearly what you need help with, and make sure you read the materials and instructions carefully beforehand.
- Use correct grammar and mechanics.
- Be respectful in tone and language.
- Check the gradebook regularly for scores and teacher feedback.
- Ask for extra assistance when needed. Do not wait until the last moment.