5-Navigating PVOnline

  • Go to the auth.pvschools.net site
  • You will enter your user name and password in the sign-in boxes.
  • Then, you'll select "PVOnline" from the list of sites.
  • Click "Log In" in the upper right corner.
  • Click on the name of your course.
  • The "course page" will open.

The central portion of the screen contains the course content. Course content is divided into units. Each unit provides a series of links that take you to learning resources, activities, and assessments.

You will begin each course in the Getting Started section.  This includes the course syllabus, course resources (formula sheets, pacing guides, etc.), and other information to help you successfully complete your course. You will not be able to advance into your course until you complete this unit.

Work down the list, opening each link in order. Most courses have restrictions that require you to complete and submit assignments in order to move forward in the course. (See example below).